Magazine traitant de l’Economie, du Commercial, du Marketing, du Commerce, de l'Ecologie, du Sport business. e-magazine marketing,
27 Juin 2024
In 2023, construction sites in France were a real spectacle! Excavators and cranes competed, architects juggled with complex plans. An epic and humorous scene! This symphony of concrete and bricks, under the curious gaze of the clouds, was captivating. Even the modest construction workers wondered with humor their fate. An atmosphere that is both grandiose and playful, touching each reader with its human and amusing side.
In December 2023, housing construction authorizations in France increased to reach 33,700, an increase of 12% compared to the previous month. However, this figure remains 13% below the average for the twelve months preceding the first confinement. Over the whole of 2023, 373,100 housing units were authorized, a decrease of 23.7% compared to the previous year and 19% compared to the twelve months before the health crisis. At the same time, 26,900 housing units were started in December 2023, representing an increase of 22% compared to November. Despite this increase, this number remains 15% lower than the average for the twelve months preceding the crisis. These figures reflect the fluctuations in the housing construction market in France, marked by a period of decline followed by a slight recovery, but still below levels prior to the health crisis.
The housing crisis in France is like a play where the main players, housing, are in insufficient number and are idling on the real estate turnover stage. Imagine a ballet where the rents of the HLM park and the private rental sector dance to the rhythm of dissonant music, creating an ever-widening gap between them! In this great theater of potential demand for housing, estimated between 300,000 and 400,000 per year, housing is preparing to play its crucial role: that of ensuring the stability and security of our lives. Because after all, our home is not just a roof over our heads, it is our social scene, our emotional backdrop and sometimes even our economic backstage. Let us pay tribute to our shelters, where peace, security and dignity are on display every day.
The construction of housing in France follows a structured process involving planning, design, obtaining permits, construction (structural work and secondary work), technical and exterior fittings, compliance checks, acceptance of the works, and finally marketing and occupation. Each step requires close collaboration between various professionals and local authorities.
We must ensure that policies do not end up in a concrete comedy, with construction blocks dancing the waltz of confusion! Instead, imagine a future where houses don't look like unsolvable puzzles and roofs don't leak any more than stand-up jokes. Let's work together to create a world where the humor is in our laughter, not in our leaks.